United States
Affiliation Professor and Independent Researcher 29278 Glen Oaks Blvd. W. Farmington Hills,
MI 48334-2932 USA
1 248 722 6088
Prem Narain
29278 Glen Oaks Blvd. W. Farmington Hills, MI 48334, USA.
Research Interests:
Genetics, Genomics, Sustainable Agriculture, Population Genetics, Marker Assisted Selection, Molecular Breeding, Agricultural Statistics,
Quantitative Genetics, Selection, Statistical Genetics, Genetic Association, Quantitative Trait Loci, Association Analysis, Genotype x Environment Interaction, Biometrical Genetics, eQTL, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics.
Biography Born in Lucknow, India on 3 January 1934, he obtained BSc, BSc (Hons), and MSc degrees from Lucknow University, India. He then joined Drosophila Laboratory, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (1958) where he was exposed to quantitative genetic studies that became his life-long passion. He taught post-graduate courses at the Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI), New Delhi (1961-67) and received PhD (1969) from the Institute of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh University, UK, working under the guidance of Professor Alan Robertson, FRS. Thereafter he returned to India and continued research at the IASRI where he finally became Director (1981). His published work led to the award of DSc (1984) by Edinburgh University. Then he moved to Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi in 1992 as Principal Scientist and retired as Dean & Joined Director (Education) in 1994. He continued to be active after retirement by undertaking research project Studies on Statistical Genetics and Evolution as Professor Emeritus (1994-1999) and another research project Transmission Disequilibrium Tests as INSA Honorary Scientist (2006-2015). He also did research work and taught courses in USA, for short terms, at Iowa State University, Ames, Ohio State University, Columbus and Center for Demographic and Population Genetics, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston.
Membership of Scientific Societies & Offices held
1. International Statistical Institute, Netherlands (Past Council Member)
2. Bernoulli Society of Mathematical Statistics & Probability (Past Member)
3. International Biometric Society, Washington DC (Past President, Indian Region and Past Council Member)
4. General Council, University of Edinburgh, UK
5. American Statistical Association, Washington DC
6. Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata (Past President-Statistics Section)
7. Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (ISAS), New Delhi (Past Executive President, Vice-President, Secretary)
8. Indian Society of Agricultural Science, New Delhi (Past President, Vice-President)
9. Indian Mathematical Sciences, Delhi (Past Council Member)
10. Indian Mathematical Society, Pune
11. Indian Society of Animal Genetics & Breeding, New Delhi (Past Member, Executive Council)
12. Indian Society of Medical Statistics (Past Member)
13. Indian Econometric Society (Past Member)
14. Indian Society of Human Genetics (Past Member)
15. Computer Society of India (Past Member).
Honors & Awards
1. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Memorial Prize (ICAR)
2. GP Chatterjee Memorial Lecture Award (INSA)
3. Sankhiyi Bhushan Award (ISAS)
4. Shri Om Prakash Bhasin Foundation Award (OPBF)
5. Distinguished Service Award (Mathematical Association of India)
6. Dr. MS Randhawa Memorial Medal (NAAS)
7. National Award in Statistics (Government of India)
8. Dr. BP Pal Memorial Lecture Award (NASI)
9. Life Time Achievement Award (International Biometric Society, Indian Region)