Aneliya Kostadinova
Sofia 1113 acad.G Bonchev 21 IBphBME
Research Interests:
Cell biology (cytotoxicity and biological activities of natural biomolecules and synthetic nanomaterials; cell polarization, membrane domains and their interactions with proteins), Interaction of cancer cells with alkilphospholipids, plant extract interaction with skin keratinocytes, biocompatibility
- Groth Th., Altankov G., Kostadinova A., Krasteva N,. Albrecht W and. Paul D “Altered vitronectin receptor (alpha–v integrin) function in fibroblasts adhering on hydrophobic glass”. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 44 (3), 341-353(1999).
- Vladkova T., Krasteva N., Kostadinova A. and G. Altankov ”Preparation of PEG coated surfaces and study for their interaction with living cells”, J. Biomat. Sci. Polym. Edn, 10 (6) 609-620
- Groth, T.; Seifert, B.; Malsch, G.; Albrecht, W.; Paul, D. Kostadinova A .Krasteva, N.; Altankov , G “Interaction of Human Skin Fibroblasts with Moderate Wettable Polyacrylonitrile-Copolymer Membranes” . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 61 , 290-300(1999)
- Keranov, T. Vladkova, M. Minchev, A. Kostadinova, G. Altankov, P. Dineff, (2008) Topo-graphy Characterization and Initial Cellular Interaction of Plasma Based Ar+ Beam Treated PDMS Surfaces, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,111(5), 2637-2646
- Keranov, T. Vladkova, M. Minchev, A. Kostadinova, G. Altankov, “Preparation, Charac-terisation and Cellular Interactions of Collagen Immobilized PDMS” Surfaces, J. Appl. Polym. Si., 110 (1), 321-330 (2008)
- A.Kostadinova,B.Seifert,W.Albrecht,G.Malsh,TH.Groth,A.Lendlein,GAltankov) “Novel polimer blends for the preparation of membranes for biohybrid liver systems”, J.Biomater. Sci. Plymer Edn.Vol.20.pp821-839(2009)
- Nikolova Biliana, Anelia Kostadinova; Borislav Dimitrov; Zhivko Zhelev; Ichio Aoki; Saga, T., Iana Tsoneva),” Fluorescent Imaging for Assessment of Combined Application of Electroporation and Rifampicin on HaCaT Cells as a New Therapeutic Approach in Psoriasis”,. Sensors, 13 (3), 3625-3634 (2013)
- Kostadinova, A., Zaekov, N., Keranov, I.”,Interaction of cells with modified polyethylenglycol surfaces””, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (SUPPL. 2), . 178-181(2013)
- A Kostadinova, B Nikolova, P Handjiiska, MR Berger, I Tsoneva ”Combined effect of electroporation and miltefosine on keratinocyte cell line HaCaT”.,Romanian Reports in Physics 67 (3), 995-1003,(2015)
- A Kostadinova,., Doumanov, J., Moyankova, D., Ivanov, S., Mladenova, K., Djilianov, D., & Topouzova-Hristova, T. “Haberlea rhodopensis extracts affect cell periphery of keratinocytes”. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, 69(4) (2016).