Journal of Alzheimer's Research and Therapy

Journal of Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy

Journal of Alzheimer's Research and Therapy

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-I am an organic and medicinal chemist-Saktimayee Roy

Saktimayee Roy


Northwestern University


Editorial Board

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-Biotechnology-Aysun Cetinyurek Yavuz

Aysun Cetinyurek Yavuz

Editorial Board

Nutricia Research

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-perls stain-Elvis Freeman Acquah

Elvis Freeman Acquah

Editorial Board

University of Newcastle,  ​Newcastle · School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharm

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-His area of research interest involved exploring plant sources for novel drugs-Suresh Kumar

Suresh Kumar

Editorial Board

Department of Biotechnology, University School of Biotechnology

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-MRI imaging biomarkers-Silvia Ingala

Silvia Ingala

Editorial Board

Dept. Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-His current research thrust is to high-throughput screen and design-Xudong Huang

Xudong Huang

Editorial Board

Co-Director, Neurochemistry Lab, Psychiatry Department, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard M

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-Neuroinflammation in Central Nervous System (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

 Epigenetic modifications in T cells

 Pathogenic mechanisms in Autoimmune Diseases

 Pathogenic mechanisms and signal transduct

Wang Yan

Editorial Board

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Pediatrics The University of North Carolina at Chapel

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-Allergic diseases-Roberto Paganelli

Roberto Paganelli

Editorial Board

University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti and Pescara (Unich), Department Of Medicine And

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-Alzheimer's Disease-LAW Andrew Chi Kin

LAW Andrew Chi Kin

Editorial Board

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland at Perdana University.

Alzheimer's  Research and Therapy-Developments in the inhibitors of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration-Dong-Kug Choi

Dong-Kug Choi

Editorial Board

PhD in Biology-Ecology (2009), University of Lisbon Proficiency in Identification and Enumerati
