International Journal of Inflammation Research

International Journal of Inflammation Research

International Journal of Inflammation Research

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Aims and Scope


International Journal of Inflammation Research welcomes submissions on current and outstanding research on all aspects of inflammation. The main aim of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians to share their current research and developments in different areas of Inflammation all over the world.


IJIR Publishes articles in the form of Research, Reviews, Literature review, Conference proceedings, Case reports, Short communication, Thesis, Letters to the editor, and Editorials.


The International Journal of Inflammation Research (IJIR) publishes original research in the scientific discipline of inflammation research. This journal publishes articles in areas related to inflammation, including immunology, immunopathology, immunotherapy, inflammation related diseases, inflammation-associated hypertension, autoimmunity, microbial immunology, microbial pathogenesis, immunology of cancer, and immunological therapies of cancer. Additionally, IJIR publishes articles pertaining to clinical and basic research studies relevant to inflammation, as well as reviews or opinion papers to advance understanding of the field.


The aim of IJIR is to provide readers with a platform to share new and up-to-date research on inflammation by authoring original studies, reports, and reviews in the field. This international journal welcomes articles related to all aspects of inflammation including immune system biology, molecular and cellular immunology, inflammatory diseases, autoimmunity, and infectious diseases.


IJIR accepts high-quality research articles and reviews from any scientific discipline relevant to inflammation. The journal encourages manuscripts from all relevant therapeutic areas, such as rheumatology, gastroenterology, dermatology, pulmonology, obstetrics-gynecology, and nephrology. IJIR hopes to set a new standard in the field of inflammation research, by publishing high-quality, timely research and offering authors an efficient turnaround time for peer review and publication. To ensure the quality of the published research.


The areas covered by the International Journal of Inflammation Research include but are not limited to the following fields: 



Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences